Video – Cricket 101 for anyone…its not brain surgery

In explaining Cricket to anyone, why start with the LBW rule stupid ? Keep it simple – Here’s a one line explanation of cricket:

There are 2 Teams, each team gets to bat and score runs. The Team that scores the most runs wins.

Additional info. Forget the Baseball comparisons & stop saying Americans will never understand cricket – use terms when they clarify something but a people who can send a man to the Moon can understand cricket !!

The Bowling/Fielding Team tries to limit the runs scored and/or get the Batting Team out.

The 2 main ways a Battsman gets out are :

1. when the Bowler (Pitcher) bowls the ball, eludes the bat & hits the wicket

2. when the batsmen hits the ball in the air and its caught on the fly by a fielder

Forget all the other ways to get out – they can be learned as a person goes along.

Immediately below, based on the Right-handed Batsman being at the top end, are the terms used to describe the different shots the batsman may play. Creative players can do infinite variations on any of these.

Below: is a brid’s eye view of an ideal cricket field, showing in field,outfield etc.


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