Our Experience – Cleveland State University Vikings Cricket !

Mr.Jodah & Mr.Diloreto,
On behalf of Vikings cricket club we would like to thank both of you for hosting a tremendous tournament. The atmosphere and the build up to the tourney was simply amazing and exciting.

Upon our arrival having a practice session on the side field and working with coach Amir Siddique gave us lots of insides in regards to fielding and other aspects of cricket. We truly think that this was by far the most memorable trip we had playing cricket.

We believe that this tournament will enable us to not build our cricket but also our character as individuals. Both of you have been very helpful in answering all the questions and helped us in every step of the way.

We all are telling our family and friends about the amazing experience we had. We are working with our college of promoting our experience on the website so we can get a better team and more students involved. Lastly we cannot wait to be a part of this wonderful journey of cricket which was started by you guys and hope this would only get bigger.

We would be more than happy to help/assist you guys developing the game in Midwest area. Again thank you for having us in this wonderful tournament.

Sadiq Khan

Vishu Chaudhary TEXAS TECH : “It was really a big lifetime experience”

Amit Chaudhary TEXAS TECH – “Everybody did a great job ”

Cleveland State University cricket team

Posted by ljodah | Cleveland State,NEWS

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