Congress honors David Sentance & our Compton Cricket efforts !

Author, cricket historian & administrator & American College Cricket VP David Sentance has bee teaching cricket to kids in Compton & Watts since the 1990s, with Mustafa Khan, the 6’6 former basketball player. In 2013 their efforts were strenghtened when it was brought under the American College Cricket umbrella.
A huge step was actually bringing college cricketers to Compton in 2014 when new clubs at UCLA & Claremont played a match – providing actaul role models for the local kids. Even bigger was the American College Cricket West Coast Championship of 2015 when UCLA, USC, UCSD and UCLA competed. Local kids from Sheenaway School & others brought by the Sherriffs Dept played cricket on the sidelines and “tailgated” with Pizza & soda with adult notables from the community, including James Hays who would run for Mayor later.
American College Cricket President Lloyd Jodah flew in for the event, as did Anja who took pictures and did the Presentations. One direct result of the event was MLB LA Dodgers apparently noticed and then invested $$ million in Compton baseball facilities. David Sentance’s longtime efforts remain without any funding, except from the heart of this devoted cricketer and whatever support American College Cricket can give.