Husnain Bashir (UMD)From All American to US Marine !

Husnain Bashir says he was inspired to start playing cricket when he saw an American College Cricket Live Stream – possibly our National Championship Final in March 2014 on ESPN, or the Highlights from our 2012 Nationals Finals on TV Asia. ‘I remember Husnain contacting me, passionately want to play in our tournaments, but he was going to a 2 year college whilst our focus was 4 year colleges. Nevertheless he started a team and later then transferred to University of Maryland, a 4 year college, since they were now an American College Cricket member.’
Later as Club President, it was a tough learning experience for Husnain, which he used to advantage his 2nd time around as Club President, and team Captain. His spirit was indomitable, and he led the team all the way to the Final Four of the 2019 National Championship, which was televised by SONY – so the team got the privilege of playing on TV, broadcast by the world’s leading cricket broadcaster. Husnain earned his 2nd College Player of the Year Award (All American) this week.
Back home he worked part time, and went to school – whilst feeling the urge to serve his country.He passionately supported American College Cricket with the same energy.
Named a 2019 College Player of the Year in Jan, and a member of the American College Cricket USA team, now Husnain Bashir is a US Marine.