England Tour for American College Cricket !

Playing on the magnificent and historical fields of England is a dream for cricket players. From Lords to Wormsley, Hambledon and others, famous and lesser known. The dream becomes reality for American College Cricket players June 6 to 14, 2020 when they tour the birthplace of the game.
Matches will be played vs major British Universities, the British Army/Air Force/Navy, MCC Young Cricketers and possibly a friendly vs the Buckingham Palace staff. The British Navy and Army played a big role in spreading cricket where ever they landed around the world. The Itinerary is will be published later.
Visits to Lords and other historical sites will be squeezed in between 7 games. This Tour will be historical, though visits by American teams did happen back in the 1800s and early 1900s as the ‘Gentlemen of Philadelphia’ in the days of John Bart King. In the 20th century the USA Team did tour England but there does not appear to have been a visit for 50 years though David Sentance did take a team of ‘Homeless players’ in 1995 to great fanfare and publicity.
This will be the first American college Tour of England, and with this being the age of Social Media, the publicity will be enormous.
For Media & Sponship inquiries or more info Contact American College Cricket President Lloyd Jodah 646 436 0511, Lloyd24hr@gmail.com
Media Director & Sponsorship (England)- Jim White jim@white23.co.uk
David Sentance, Vice President, Sentance@michelfinancial.com