Sir Donald Bradman Week begins American College Cricket Fall season.

With a career batting average of 99.94, no athlete in any sport dominated like Don Bradman did, ever.
American College Cricket celebrates the beginning of its Fall Regional season by commemorating the birthday, Aug 27th, of the Don, with ‘Sir Donald Bradman Week’. Starting with the Canadian College Cricket National Championship on Aug 29 to 30, continuing with Home and Away matches and 6 Regional C’ships around USA, it’s a busy time for young players in USA and Canada, and a marvelous way to honor the Greatest Sportsman, statistically, the world has ever seen.
Regionals were begun in Fall of 2010, making 2018 the 10th year. The first was the Midwest C’ship, held on the Ohio State University campus in 2010, and attended by its the President E Gordon Gee, and since then the teams have played for the Gordon Gee Trophy. Dr Gee eventually moved to become President of West Virginia U and the WVU TEAM will be striving to take the Trophy back to present to its President – which would be a unique circle. With Detroit being the location, it has become easier for Canadian Universities to participate, and last year Ryerson and Laurier competed, the location this year will be confirmed soon. This year Waterloo is hoping to play.
American College Cricket became the first to televise cricket in USA and Canada in Oct 2011 when, with TV Asia, it televised the North East and Mid Atlantic C’ships. To date American College Cricket has televised or Live Streamed 87 games, including on ESPN and SONY. In fact, outside of the top TEST countries boards, which also includes their T20 leagues like IPL and BBL, the only cricket organization in the world to get a TV deal with either of the major broadcasters, SONY or STAR, is American College Cricket which did so with SONY in 2016.
The 2018 Regional Championships are Mid West – Sept 29 and 30 in Detroit possibly, North East – Oct 6 and 7 in NYC or Boston, Mid Atlantic- Oct 13 and 14 in Philadelphia, South West- Oct 27 and 28 in Texas, South East- Nov 3 and 4 in Ft Lauderdale, West Coast- Nov 17 and 18 in Los Angeles or near San Francisco.
All of the Regional Championships will have matches Live Streamed all day on both days, on the American College Cricket Facebook page, starting at 9 am in whatever Time Zone the matches are, and finishing at 6.00 pm.
Happy Don Bradman Birthday.