CricHQ 401 – An Updated Scoring Guide
All scoring for American College Cricket matches is the responsibility of the teams participating.
We use the mobile and digital scoring platform CricHQ to score all matches and to keep our results and statistics.
It is essential that we maintain accurate records, so please read all instructions carefully!
Some basic guidelines on scoring first:
- There could be one person from each team scoring each innings (with two scorecards). At a minimum a member of the fielding team must sit with the scorer.
- Scorers must sit together to ensure accuracy of scores and players names etc.
- Teams are responsible for their scoring devices (iOS or Android mobile devices loaded with the CricHQ app.
- Make sure you have enough charge on your device, or that you have access to a portable battery or a power socket.
- You cannot share matches across devices. An entire scorecard must be started and completed on the same device.
Now the CricHQ specifics:
- If you are not set-up on CricHQ with access to your official club/team then please contact Jamie Lloyd at
- Once given instructions on how to claim your official club/team you must populate it with player data. Here are instructions from the CricHQ website on how to do this:Instructions: Creating Players
Instructions: Adding Players to a Team - Once you have populated your club/team with player data then you are ready to start scoring your official CricHQ fixtures!
- Now some specifics on how to start scoring an official fixtureInstructions: Downloading an Official Fixture to Score
Instructions: Editing a match whilst scoring
Instructions: Bucketloads of Extra Information on the Actual Process of Scoring on CricHQ
- Here are a few helpful hints for what happens if you discover some errors post-match:Instructions: Editing a scorecard after a match has ended
Instructions: Editing a scorecard before it has been accepted as the official result
Instructions: Editing a scorecard after it has been accepted as the official result
For any further questions or assistance please email either Jamie Lloyd (, or the CricHQ support desk (