The 2014 All American 1st Team !

The first cricket in the USA to be broadcast on ESPN – the Finals of the 2014 American College Cricket National Championship, also shown on TV Asia. Lloyd Jodah with the Captains & Umpires beginning the broadcast
The All American 1st team includes some of our best players and leaders, ambassadors of American College Cricket and the game. To be eligible for selection, a player must have played in the 2014 American College Cricket National Championship and may be a current student, recent graduate or alumni.
For those unfamiliar with the term, in college sports the “All American” team is the equivalent of an All Star team, and is Honorary. In American College Cricket we also consider factors other than statistics.
Performances considered are for the year that ended in March 2014, from : 1 – the 2014 National Championship in March, 2 – the Fall 2013 Regional Championships & 3 – the 2013 Home & Away season that ended Dec 2013. The National Championship is weighed the most, then the Regionals & Home & Away season equally. We have hundreds of very good American College Cricketers but ultimately only a few can be selected.
Off the field leadership,Social media & other promotion of American College Cricket, conduct on & off the field that best represents the “Spirit of Cricket” are significant factors considered.
The Captain is National Champion USF’s Sai Ramesh – possibly the best batting all rounder in the USA, a tremendous strategist and a player who exemplifies the “Spirit of Cricket” even at the most competitive level. Ramesh is the 2014 National Championship MVP, as he was in 2012, and an All American in previous years.
The 2014 All American 1st Team :
Hassan Mirza and newcomer Saad Bin Zafar earned the All Canada designation from the Canadian university, Ryerson, that played at the 2014 Championship.
No matches are currently planned for the team, but the Honorary Coach is Amir Saddiqui, & honorary Assistant Coach: Adrian Gordon.
“Its extremely difficult to select the All American teams, since we have so many talented players, and passionate leaders who give so much to American College Cricket and the game.” stated American College Cricket President & CEO Lloyd Jodah , “Its documented that, these past 5 years, American College Cricket has become the best hope for the game in the USA & Canada, and our members make me confident we’ll keep raising the profile of the original American game – cricket”