Home & Away games – What are they, & what are the benefits ?
What are “Home & Away” games ? :
In April 2013 we began playing “Home & Away” games, & this has continued in the Fall semester. The Standings can be seen on our website, by clicking on the Crichq tile. Harvard is leading, with Boston University # 2. The Champion will be declared in December.
1 – They are American College Cricket’s latest phase, outside of our National & Regional Championships. Played by college clubs which are members of American College Cricket all over the USA & Canada,and meant to be like the college football & college basketball seasons.
2 – From 2014, all clubs must play a minimum number of Home & Away games to qualify to play in the Regional Championships.
3 – When are “Home & Away” games played ? From Jan to Dec, primarily in the Spring & Fall semesters, but anytime the weather & school work allows.
4 – When does the Home & Away season end ? At Christmas Break in December, the team at the top of the Standings (on Crichq) will be declared the American College Cricket “Home & Away” or League Champion & awarded a Trophy, plus a guarantee of a game in the CBRP Stadium at Nationals.
5 – ALL Home & Away matches are scored on Crichq, & since all members of American College Cricket have free use of all the Competition Management, & other aspects of Crichq – Standings, MVP points, & all stats are readily available to all teams for Performance assessment (for example # of dot balls).
6 – How do we schedule Home & Away games ? Email Lloyd at Dogevpr2@aim.com
7 – All games must be 20/20 overs in 3 & ½ hours (for our tournaments they must be 3 hours) and follow American College Cricket rules.
8 – Ultimately teams may be separated by Conferences, & play in-conference opponents & out of Conf opponents – results counting towards a team’s placement in its Conference, & Nationally. For example, Harvard is currently # 1 in the Ivy League Home & Away Standings, as well as the National H & A Standings. http://americancollegecricket.com/american-college-cricket-scores/
Some BENEFITS of Home & Away games are :
1 – increased access to facilities, especially on campus – in just a few weeks of playing Home & Away games Harvard, Princeton, Boston U & Northeastern U now have official fields to play on, on campus – even with lights for night games !
2 – more cricket for our teams = more game practice of your skills
3 – greater visibility for the game,on campus and in the media, both college & non-college. On going reports on AmericanCollegeCricket.com, our Facebook page, Cricketworld.com, Crichq & TV Asia.
4 – more players can get opportunities to play, as the Home & Away Points System encourages playing more games, instead of just rewarding winning.
5 – opportunities to visit other college campuses, & network with other students. Relationships which can continue for lifetime.
6 – development of a full college cricket season – similar to other college sports, football, basketball, etc.
7 – more opportunities for sponsors to get continuous value for their sponsorships.
Recent coverage of our Home & Away season by the Boston Globe (in the midst of the Red Sox’s World Series run !)

Harvard multiple match-winner Danny Yetman,ice hockey player for 15 years, now a capable off-spinner/batsman with Lloyd Jodah, American College Cricket President & CEO
POINTS SYSTEM for Home & Away games. 7 points for a WIN