World Champions – India ! India wins World Cup ! What does it mean for USA & world cricket?
- Texas Tech Cricket players Baiju Shah, Nihal Shah & Jagat Gor (1,2 & 5 from left) with friends celebrating India’s World Cup win
In 1983 the great Kapil Dev led the Indian Team to their first World Cup win. Being World Champions ignited a fire that fueled a fervor and love for the game in India that went to new heights in the next century, even as the game was losing ground, and grounds, in places like the West Indies and England.
Where would world cricket be today without the billion plus of India ? It’s no accident that one of the latest revolutions in world cricket – the IPL- took off in India. The benefits economically, and consequently in other ways, to cricketers and cricket are tremendous, and absolutely essential for the game.
Now India has won the 2011 World Cup, in a very different world from 1983. Long the world’s largest democracy, now India is also an economic giant itself. Add to that its far flung professional cadre of doctors,engineers,scientists,IT, financial and industrial professionals and leaders that have made their mark around the world, and particularly the United States.
What major company in the USA does not have Indians amongst its upper management and leaders ? In companies all over America, Indians took rare time off from jobs and school, telling their American colleagues it was because of the Cricket World Cup – in a positive way, compelling millions of Americans to take note of cricket.
In Universities across America Indian students hosted World Cup viewings, and were written about in the New York Times (NYU-Poly) and LA Times (USC). In fact the presence of significant numbers of Indians (and students from other cricket playing countries like Pakistan) in US colleges spurred the founding of American College Cricket by this writer.
Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites were ablaze with World Cup posts.The average young Indian student and professional, in India, the USA and around the world, is at home on the internet and the viral promotion of cricket pioneered by American College Cricket was in turbo mode for India’s World Cup run, to put it mildly.
Yet there was barely a mention on network TV. If one person does something stupid in India or a “South Asian” country though, its possible he’ll make the nightly network news. Rather than photos of the cricket action, the NY Post had a photo of a policeman keeping the crowd in line with his baton.
Had the India vs Pakistan Semi Finals and the the India vs Sri Lanka World Cup games been on free TV, its possible the viewership in the USA would have exceeded those for most of our US sporting events, from basketball to golf. And which network would not covet the demographic of cricket lovers in the USA – research shows that Indians are on average the most affluent and highly educated ethnic group in the USA – average annual income amongst Indians in the US is about $ 10,000 more than for white Americans ( 2004 US Census).
This point is made, not to brag, but to highlight the opportunities that await for media, broadcasters and sponsors to jump in, if they can get out of the prism from which they view the sports world. Cricket is not the new soccer, its more like golf in its demographics in the US – perhaps India’s victory in this World Cup will finally wake up a whole new world. It was no accident that when the New York Times’ George Vecsey wanted a perspective on the World Cup he spoke with American College Cricket players.
As for Indian cricket itself, as World Champions, at least parts of it will probably start to expand its wings, and look for new frontiers, like the USA. The Rajasthan Royals, connecting through BIG League USA, with American College Cricket is an indicator of what the future holds…………perhaps a member of the World Champions could turn up on a campus near you soon.
Quotes from a few American College Cricketers on India being World Champions :
Vinit Modi (Thunderbird) – Immortal memories created for every Indian today, gives me one more in a million reasons to be proud of my Nation!!!
Salil Jolly (Carnegie Mellon) – I can now die in peace….I have witnessed India winning the World Cup !
Ursalan Sajjad Chaudhry (UMiami) – India proved to be the best team in the 2011 World Cup. Sachin Tendulkar deserved the World Cup because as agreed by all other experts, he is one of best players of the game.
Vinay Mansinghka (University of Florida) – I have always been a loyal supporter of my cricket team. I just expected die hard attitude from them.. they gave me more this time! Much more! So now, we are safely “undisputed” No. 1 team in cricket playing world! Champions!
Vixar Patel (NJ Institute of Technology) – I was not even born when India won the World Cup in 1983 and so didn’t know what the feeling was, but today I know what speed blood flows through your body with – love it ! Love my country and proud to be born as Indian !
Abhinav Krishna Gautam (Carnegie Mellon) – Nothing is better than watching Dhoni bring the Cup back to a Billion people. Watching the World Cup Final today with my Mom and Dad at home is a day I will remember forever.
Sadiq Khan (NJ Institute of Technolgy) – Dream come through for a billion ! Something I will be proud of all my life !
Anand Patel (UMBC) – On the streets of NJ people are shouting and carrying Indian flags !
Manu George (Vaughn College) – It was the greatest day of my life…so proud of my men in Blue ! Chak de India !
Sreyan Chowdhury (Wooster) – Winning the World Cup at home, I have no words to describe this ! I love you India ! This is a day none of us will forget !
Hardik Jogani (Rutgers) – This was a perfect advertisement for cricket. Hopefully this will open doors for cricket in other countries, especially the US.
From the cradle of American cricket (PA) , at the University of Pennsylvania
From Lubbock Texas
03 Apr 2011, 2:54 pm
Proud Moments for every Indian!
24 Apr 2011, 2:08 pm
[…] World Champions India ! India wins World Cup ! What does it mean …Description : The average young Indian student and professional, in India, the USA and around the world, is at home on the internet and the viral promotion of cricket pioneered by American College Cricket was in turbo mode for India’s World Cup run, …http://americancollegecricket. .. […]
31 May 2011, 2:55 pm
[…] World Champions India ! India wins World Cup ! What does it mean … Description : The average young Indian student and professional, in India, the USA and around the world, is at home on the internet and the viral promotion of cricket pioneered by American College Cricket was in turbo mode for India’s World Cup run, … http://americancollegecricket. .. […]