CMU’s cricket team asked to play memorial game for police officers

6 members of the 2009 Carnegie Mellon cricket team at the 2009 Nationals.Captain Atishe Chordia 3rd from left.
Carnegie Mellon’s cricket team hosted a benefit match last Saturday at noon for three Pittsburgh police officers who lost their lives last year.
All three of the officers loved baseball and had been interested in cricket due to the similarities between the two sports. With this in mind, the police department approached Carnegie Mellon’s cricket team to play the memorial match.
The Carnegie Mellon U cricket team ,led by Atishe Chordia, was one of the 5 pioneering schools that particpated in the first American College Cricket Spring Break Championship in 2009.
READ MORE in the Tartan, CMU’s media.
01 Jun 2010, 9:51 am
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